"Whatever I am, for either good or bad, of one thing I know with certainty; I am me and being so, makes me different to everyone else. Being different can be a very liberating thing and when we lose the right to be different, we lose the privilege to be free. Being different isn't wrong in itself, as it merely represents what is. What is wrong is when we try to emphasise our differences to another for the sake of our own vanity or for the purpose of putting them down and trying to make them feel inferior while attempting to make ourselves look superior.
We all boil at different degrees, so, if you want to stand out, don't be different, be outstanding! Always be yourself at its best, because originality is no more than a reflection of your deepest sincerity. There will be times when it is wise to go along with the crowd, especially if the crowd is heading in the right direction, but it is most unwise to ever let another think your thoughts for you, speak your words, govern your actions, dream your dreams or live your life.
We ride the crest of the waves to personal success when we employ the positive energy of our own unique spirit. Only dead fish swim with the stream of negative thought! Only when we learn to recognise the uniqueness of our person, may we feel confident enough to lay ourselves open and not be afraid to place our honest feelings and dealings with all others above board for public scrutiny.
My advice, after you have made friends with yourself, is to make your peace with family, friends, neighbours and all creatures that surround you. Remember the words of Martin Luther King Jr when he reminded us that together we swim and divided we sink into gradual depravity. We may have all come to the place we are at on different ships, but we're in the same boat now and we sink or swim together. William Forde: August 31st, 2016.