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- Strictly for Adults Novels >
Tales from Portlaw
- No Need to Look for Love
- 'The Love Quartet' >
The Priest's Calling Card
- Chapter One - The Irish Custom
- Chapter Two - Patrick Duffy's Family Background
- Chapter Three - Patrick Duffy Junior's Vocation to Priesthood
- Chapter Four - The first years of the priesthood
- Chapter Five - Father Patrick Duffy in Seattle
- Chapter Six - Father Patrick Duffy, Portlaw Priest
- Chapter Seven - Patrick Duffy Priest Power
- Chapter Eight - Patrick Duffy Groundless Gossip
- Chapter Nine - Monsignor Duffy of Portlaw
- Chapter Ten - The Portlaw Inheritance of Patrick Duffy
- Bigger and Better >
- The Oldest Woman in the World >
Sean and Sarah
- Chapter 1 - 'Return of the Prodigal Son'
- Chapter 2 - 'The early years of sweet innocence in Portlaw'
- Chapter 3 - 'The Separation'
- Chapter 4 - 'Separation and Betrayal'
- Chapter 5 - 'Portlaw to Manchester'
- Chapter 6 - 'Salford Choices'
- Chapter 7 - 'Life inside Prison'
- Chapter 8 - 'The Aylesbury Pilgrimage'
- Chapter 9 - Sean's interest in stone masonary'
- Chapter 10 - 'Sean's and Tony's Partnership'
- Chapter 11 - 'Return of the Prodigal Son'
- The Alternative Christmas Party >
The Life of Liam Lafferty
- Chapter One: ' Liam Lafferty is born'
- Chapter Two : 'The Baptism of Liam Lafferty'
- Chapter Three: 'The early years of Liam Lafferty'
- Chapter Four : Early Manhood
- Chapter Five : Ned's Secret Past
- Chapter Six : Courtship and Marriage
- Chapter Seven : Liam and Trish marry
- Chapter Eight : Farley meets Ned
- Chapter Nine : 'Ned comes clean to Farley'
- Chapter Ten : Tragedy hits the family
- Chapter Eleven : The future is brighter
The life and times of Joe Walsh
- Chapter One : 'The marriage of Margaret Mawd and Thomas Walsh’
- Chapter Two 'The birth of Joe Walsh'
- Chapter Three 'Marriage breakup and betrayal'
- Chapter Four: ' The Walsh family breakup'
- Chapter Five : ' Liverpool Lodgings'
- Chapter Six: ' Settled times are established and tested'
- Chapter Seven : 'Haworth is heaven is a place on earth'
- Chapter Eight: 'Coming out'
- Chapter Nine: Portlaw revenge
- Chapter Ten: ' The murder trial of Paddy Groggy'
- Chapter Eleven: 'New beginnings'
The Woman Who Hated Christmas
- Chapter One: 'The Christmas Enigma'
- Chapter Two: ' The Breakup of Beth's Family''
- Chapter Three: From Teenager to Adulthood.'
- Chapter Four: 'The Mills of West Yorkshire.'
- Chapter Five: 'Harrison Garner Showdown.'
- Chapter Six : 'The Christmas Dance'
- Chapter Seven : 'The ballot for Shop Steward.'
- Chapter Eight: ' Leaving the Mill'
- Chapter Ten: ' Beth buries her Ghosts'
- Chapter Eleven: Beth and Dermot start off married life in Galway.
- Chapter Twelve: The Twin Tragedy of Christmas, 1992.'
- Chapter Thirteen: 'The Christmas star returns'
- Chapter Fourteen: ' Beth's future in Portlaw'
The Last Dance
- Chapter One - ‘Nancy Swales becomes the Widow Swales’
- Chapter Two ‘The secret night life of Widow Swales’
- Chapter Three ‘Meeting Richard again’
- Chapter Four ‘Clancy’s Ballroom: March 1961’
- Chapter Five ‘The All Ireland Dancing Rounds’
- Chapter Six ‘James Mountford’
- Chapter Seven ‘The All Ireland Ballroom Latin American Dance Final.’
- Chapter Eight ‘The Final Arrives’
- Chapter Nine: 'Beth in Manchester.'
- 'Two Sisters' >
- Fourteen Days >
‘The Postman Always Knocks Twice’
- Author's Foreword
- Contents
- Chapter One
- Chapter Two
- Chapter Three
- Chapter Four
- Chapter Five
- Chapter Six
- Chapter Seven
- Chapter Eight
- Chapter Nine
- Chapter Ten
- Chapter Eleven
- Chapter Twelve
- Chapter Thirteen
- Chapter Fourteen
- Chapter Fifteen
- Chapter Sixteen
- Chapter Seventeen
- Chapter Eighteen
- Chapter Nineteen
- Chapter Twenty
- Chapter Twenty-One
- Chapter Twenty-Two
Celebrity Contacts
Thoughts and Musings
- Bereavement >
- Nature >
Bill's Personal Development
- What I'd like to be remembered for
- Second Chances
- Roots
- Holidays of Old
- Memorable Moments of Mine
- Cleckheaton Consecration
- Canadian Loves
- Mum's Wisdom
- 'Early life at my Grandparents'
- Family Holidays
- 'Mother /Child Bond'
- Childhood Pain
- The Death of Lady
- 'Soldiering On'
- 'Romantic Holidays'
- 'On the roof'
- Always wear clean shoes
- 'Family Tree'
- The importance of poise
- 'Growing up with grandparents'
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Chapter Six: ‘First Blood’

Over the following five months, Mary was able to meet up with Paddy a mere three times. Without her mother no longer being there to help with the children and household tasks, Mary never stopped from dawn 'til dusk. She was working fifteen hours a day, seven days a week!
Her father was no longer able to give her a hand with household duties, due to his disability and physical handicap, but he could see the toll that such a heavy responsibility was having on his eldest daughter.
Her father was no longer able to give her a hand with household duties, due to his disability and physical handicap, but he could see the toll that such a heavy responsibility was having on his eldest daughter.

Since his wife had died, Harry Lannon had gradually grown closer in his affections to a woman called Nancy Perkings, who was his second cousin. Nancy was four years older than Harry was, but looked ten years younger than her actual age, largely because she had never given birth or had experienced the burden of rearing children. The one thing that enjoined Harry and Nancy more than any other was their mutual love of family, plus the fact that each had lost their spouse to an early death.
Nancy had been a widow for the past six years. Her husband had died as the result of an industrial accident. While both Nancy and her husband would have liked to have children, Shamus Perkings was never able to produce fertile sperm. Nancy therefore suppressed her maternal feelings for most of her married life, and it was only after the death of her husband when she found an outlet for them.
As a young woman, Nancy had planned to become an infant teacher, but part way through her teaching course, she dropped out and married Shamus Perkings.
It was never known for sure why Nancy had left her teaching course before getting married, but it was thought by those in the know that Shamus had put the pressure on her for them to marry as soon as possible, as he’d no intention of waiting three years for Nancy to finish a teachers’ course of learning and instruction.

Whereas Shamus was in most ways reported to be a good man, a patient man he most certainly wasn’t, and three years was far too long to wait before marrying Nancy. After his death, Nancy had the opportunity to help at the local infant school whenever one of the teachers was ill. She enjoyed being surrounded by children and let it be known to the Head that she would willingly stand in as a helper whenever they needed her services. To tell the truth, Nancy enjoyed the school experience and caring for children so much, that she would willingly have worked there free.

After the death of Mary’s mother, Nancy had been the first neighbour to offer her services during those early days when all the Lannon family were grieving heavily. Nancy attended the same Catholic Church as the Lannon family and would walk back down the hill with Harry, Mary and the other nine children after Sunday mass.
Within a short space of time, Nancy had become a regular visitor to the Lannon household. She would invariably turn up with a pie she had baked or some item of clothing she had spotted in the market place that would fit one of the children. Nancy seemed to love her contact with all the children of the household and was delighted in the manner they all took to her.
With such a large family of siblings to fend for, Mary was glad to allow Nancy to do the odd task minding some of her brothers or sisters while she did some other household chore.
Without realising what was happening, Nancy’s services of good will were becoming a regular and indispensable part of the Lannon household and over a brief period, her presence and her contributions gradually became more accepted by all unthinkingly.
Within a short space of time, Nancy had become a regular visitor to the Lannon household. She would invariably turn up with a pie she had baked or some item of clothing she had spotted in the market place that would fit one of the children. Nancy seemed to love her contact with all the children of the household and was delighted in the manner they all took to her.
With such a large family of siblings to fend for, Mary was glad to allow Nancy to do the odd task minding some of her brothers or sisters while she did some other household chore.
Without realising what was happening, Nancy’s services of good will were becoming a regular and indispensable part of the Lannon household and over a brief period, her presence and her contributions gradually became more accepted by all unthinkingly.

Being too busy to notice every bit of household activity, Mary failed to spot the ever-closer union that was developing between her father and Nancy. Though she did not see it at the time, when nobody else was looking, Harry and Nancy would hold hands for a brief moment or look at each other in that way that only married couples are supposed to glance when they share adult thoughts and secrets from other family members.
It was only a matter of time when Mary’s father said to her one Sunday noon after attending Mass, “You never go out for the afternoon anymore on a Sunday, Mary.”
Mary looked at him and replied, “How can I go out when there’s nine children to care for and all the meals to make and clothes to wash and darn?” Mary asked.
“I’m sure that Nancy will look after us all a few hours, Mary, if you want a Sunday afternoon off, won’t you Nancy?” her father said as he looked at Nancy nearby.
“Of course I will,” Nancy remarked. “You get yourself off, Mary. You deserve a break. Ever since your dear mother passed away suddenly, you have been stuck in this house all week long, month in and month out. It must be unhealthy for a young woman of your age to be in the house every minute of the day. Have you no friends you’d like to see or places you want to go?”
Mary could hardly believe her ears. There was simply no way she intended to pass up this golden opportunity by turning down the offer made by her father and Nancy to start having Sunday afternoons off again. Without speaking a word, her eyes started to well up with tears and she threw her arms around Nancy in a sign of silent appreciation.
“That’s settled then!” her father said smilingly. “Starting next Sunday, you will have the day to yourself again, after attending Mass.”
It was only a matter of time when Mary’s father said to her one Sunday noon after attending Mass, “You never go out for the afternoon anymore on a Sunday, Mary.”
Mary looked at him and replied, “How can I go out when there’s nine children to care for and all the meals to make and clothes to wash and darn?” Mary asked.
“I’m sure that Nancy will look after us all a few hours, Mary, if you want a Sunday afternoon off, won’t you Nancy?” her father said as he looked at Nancy nearby.
“Of course I will,” Nancy remarked. “You get yourself off, Mary. You deserve a break. Ever since your dear mother passed away suddenly, you have been stuck in this house all week long, month in and month out. It must be unhealthy for a young woman of your age to be in the house every minute of the day. Have you no friends you’d like to see or places you want to go?”
Mary could hardly believe her ears. There was simply no way she intended to pass up this golden opportunity by turning down the offer made by her father and Nancy to start having Sunday afternoons off again. Without speaking a word, her eyes started to well up with tears and she threw her arms around Nancy in a sign of silent appreciation.
“That’s settled then!” her father said smilingly. “Starting next Sunday, you will have the day to yourself again, after attending Mass.”

Mary was over the moon. She quickly went to her room and wrote a letter to Paddy saying she would meet him next Sunday in the usual place and nothing would prevent her being there. She posted the letter that evening before retiring for the day and went to bed the happiest young woman in Clonmel.
The following Sunday, Mary arrived in Waterford off the bus with a heart so light that upon seeing Paddy, the smile that instantly broke out across her face could not disguise how happy she was to be there. Without a second thought of being in full public view, Mary flung her arms around Paddy’s neck and kissed him more fulsomely than they had ever kissed previously in public view.

As they mounted the tandem and headed off towards Tramore, the couple smiled incessantly and looked forward to the day ahead.
It was a warm day and they had much to talk about, not having seen each other for a good many weeks now. Mary had bought a new dress to look her best and the wider flare in the cut of it, which was all the fashion, showed off her shapely legs to best effect.
It was a warm day and they had much to talk about, not having seen each other for a good many weeks now. Mary had bought a new dress to look her best and the wider flare in the cut of it, which was all the fashion, showed off her shapely legs to best effect.

When the couple arrived at the ‘Metal Man’, they made their way to their favourite spot in the farmer’s field and after laying down a chequered blanket, Paddy kissed Mary.
Both embraced passionately and before Mary knew it, she found herself with her new dress riding high above her thighs and her knickers lowered. Paddy was eager to make love. Though the moment was riper than it had ever been for making love, Paddy did not intend to take Mary without her full awareness and apparent willingness. Paddy looked at his colleen beneath him and eagerly awaited her response to his silent wish.
“Oh yes, Paddy. Yes! Do it now, Paddy, do it now!” Mary whispered sweetly.
Mary wanted to taste the full experience of making love with a man. Paddy entered Mary and they gently started to make love. Knowing Mary to be a virgin, Paddy deliberately exercised consideration as he became more aroused. Mary was so pleased that this was so, and while she found the overall experience pleasant at its height of arousal, she nevertheless found it painful enough to be pleased when it was over!