Thought for today:
"Any loving parent wants to protect their children for as long as they allow them to. Seeing them approach their years of adolescence, especially when they are girls, is a particular worry with all the temptation and peer group expectation that exists. It takes a very strong individual not to feel pressurised into action she does not feel comfortable with or ready for.
In a world where everyone wants things instantly and waiting is greatly frowned upon, it becomes extremely difficult for a good girl to grow through her teenage years and still feel good about herself at the end of them if she simply goes along with the rest of the crowd. It takes time to grow and requires the proper conditions to healthily thrive and mature. Nothing which is produced by force will ever taste as good or endure the test of time. For the female adolescent, it takes courage not to succumb to peer pressure. In order to retain your self respect, you have to remain your own person and allow yourself to grow up in your own time and only do the things you want to do, and when you want to do them!
Any male who truly respects you, will never force you to show yourself to the world before you are ready to do so. He will know that if you are the right one for him, that the best is yet to come and will be prepared to wait for twenty-four carat instead of settling for nine!" William Forde: September 30th, 2015.