"I know it is hard to believe, but only last year in West Yorkshire, a number of horses which had been left out to pasture, were stabbed and badly mutilated by senseless and heartless criminals. Any crime against a horse or any creature for that matter, is a crime that strikes at the very heart of civilisation, for there is no more stable companion a man could ever ask for.
Whatever its task, whatever the weather, your horse will be always be there for you, by your side. It will ride you, work in your fields or pull your cart; whatever you ask of it, it will do in good heart. Your horse will remain a constant companion, it won't judge you or question your motives; it cares not how much you know so long as it knows you care. It will offer unconditional love as long as you rub it down and keep it warm at night, and will delight in the occasional apple and sugar lump treat. I swear that if God ever made any creature more beautiful, more faithful, more industrious and more majestic than the horse, He kept it for Himself.
During the late 1990's, a professionally read tape of one of my stories, accompanied by background music, was produced for radio transmission. The story is based on fact and is called 'Midnight Fighter.' It is suitable for any child aged between 5-10 years old, especially if they happen to be a horse lover or suffer from cerebral palsy or any other disability. The book can be purchased in paper back from www.lulu.com or www.amazon.com or in e-book format from www.smashwords.com. As with all of my previous book publications, all profit from their sales go to charitable causes in perpetuity (£200,000 since 1989). In the event of the child reader requiring two stories in the same book about the indefatigable nature of a true fighting spirit against all odds (one of them which is 'Midnight Fighter' and the second, being about a boy of stunted growth called 'Maw,' who resists bullying), both stories are published in the book entitled, 'Fighter', which is also obtainable from the same source.
The audio version which was produced for radio transmission can also be freely downloaded from my website by accessing the link below." William Forde: August 14th, 2016.