William Forde: 31st August, 2012.
FordeFables |
![]() "Got up this morning and felt good. So I lay there and had a number of good thoughts. I saw my loved one at my side and after looking at her beauty, my good thoughts turned to bad and then I finished up feeling good again." William Forde: 31st August, 2012.
![]() "A kind heart is a fountain of gladness and a warm welcome an awareness that your presence matters. A soft smile has the ability to shatter a mountain of misery if you let its rays of love creep through its cracks of natural resistance. Noboby chooses to be unhappy for a moment that is longer than need be, so the most friendly act you can do is to smile and help them out." William Forde: 28th August, 2012. ![]() "Are you the type of person who would prefer to experience hurt with the truth or comfort with a lie? Do you see change in life as being positive, negative or necessary? Remember that your ultimate feelings will be determined by the precise nature of your perception of the event. For example, where one person will view change as 'things falling apart' , another will see change as 'things falling into place.' Where one person will become depressed at the experience of redundancy and the likelihood of never getting another job because there is no longer a common need for their type of work skills, another will change their profession and enter a new job market. And, for those who think, 'I'm too old'; then you are; as your thought has definitely determined you so!'" William Forde: 26th August, 2012. ![]() "Let silence take you to the core of life, the heart of nature and the essense of man. Do not sow any seed that does not grow love or place your soft coat on a harsh jagged rock to hide the hard contour of the land in which you live. Strip away all of your pride, place no type of work beneath you or any creature but God above you. Bow to no man or raise yourself above another and your humble garments shall not be mocked but worn with dignity, and you will feel comfortable in your own skin." William Forde: August 21st, 2012 ![]() "I have been without internet connection today, but have sampled more of my own silence and devoured more of my own thoughts. When the roses have gone and the garden has faded, the world will seem to be a much drearier place. When I can no longer use my lap top, how will I ever know what is turning you on and off out there, making you content or all hot and bothered? I never thought that I would ever get to like any machine that was so much out of my control!" William Forde 18th August, 2012. ![]() "Ann Frank once remarked that 'No one has ever become poor by giving.' How true this is. The nicest people I have ever met are invariably those folk who give as a natural way of life. In fact, the best lesson that our children receive from teachers at school today is that it is only through the act of giving that one can become the good people we were meant to be. Let us renew our 'giving' resolution and start by giving more of the most precious asset we possess; ourselves and our time and then our money." William Forde: 15th August, 2012. ![]() "When we protect ourselves from our own thoughts, we do not become free in spirit, satisfied in staure and bold in action. We must act in the moment if we wish our presence to matter and be felt; if we want our kindness never to be postponed nor our good intentions to be cancelled." William Forde: 14th August, 2012. ![]() "I was thinking about the degree of poverty that was in the world and how having very little or wanting little affects the human mind and spirit.You can have nothing (material), and want nothing. You can have nothing and want everything. You can have everything and want nothing or you can have everything and want more. The first condition is that of a happy person. The second is reflective of a sad person. The third represents a happy/lucky person and the last is a greedy person. Isn't it strange that it is the absence of 'want' that leads to the state of happiness and not the 'abundance' of material wealth? There is a good 'thought for today' in there somewhere, I suspect." William Forde: 13th August, 2012. ![]() "A good friend once told me that to experience pain in the body, first one must have it, but one can only have pain in the mind if one thinks about it. And for all of the people out there who fear contracting Alzheimer's one day, another friend of mine once told me that they believed they had always suffered from pain in the right leg, but could no longer remember. Finally, a third friend told me (Yes,I do have at least three friends), that a person he had always known once remarked, 'I love singing on a morning, Lenny,and it grieves me to think that if I ever get Alzheimer's that I will forget my favourite song.' Lenny replied, 'Don't worry, Grace, I'm your friend. If ever you get Alzheimer's and forget your favourite song, I'll sing it to you. Now stop going on about it, because you're giving me a pain in the neck!" William Forde: 12th August, 2012. ![]() Are you an 'if only.....' person or one who seizes life as it comes and runs with it for the sheer experience, if nothing else? The 'if onlys' live in the past,but those who are prepared to live in the present and leave their life open to the experience of 'sweet serendipity' are the only ones with any future ahead of them." William Forde: August 11th, 2012. ![]() "I just read that on the 6th August, 1971 that a British man became the first to sail the world non-stop in the 'wrong direction'-east to west-against the prevailing winds and currents. I think not! Long before 1971, I've known people who have been going in the wrong direction all of their lives. On occasions, I've even travelled the same road." William Forde: 9th, August, 2012. ' ![]() 'Pain: real or unreal?' During the 1970s, I used 'cognitive behaviour' in most of my work in helping people to modify their behavior of thinking, feeling and doing. The principles of that work remain as relevant today as they always did. In short, all behaviour is made up of three components; thinking, feeling and doing. In order to change any form of overall behaviour, select any one of the three components, change it and the other two components will correspondingly change. Thus one can change an act by changing the perception or the emotional consequences of it, or one can change an emotion by changing how one thinks about it or what one does about it, or one can change a thought by invoking a strong feeling or action.That is the way of all behaviourists. Another approach is the way of using psychology to positive effect. A guaranteed way of distracting attention away from a specific pain is to put your mind on a more acceptable pain. I found out in 1972 that the best way to rid oneself from a neurotic condition was to replace that condition with a more acceptable form of neurosis. We see this mental process working best when we look at addiction to 'this' being replaced by addiction to 'that' instead. In short; physical exercises or change in diet might lead to the pain going but, my way will make you believe that it is no longer present. Take your pick: real pain or phony cure?" William Forde: August 7th, 2012. ![]() "It is a sad reflection on the type of society we live in today, but unless one happens to be the family member or a very close friend of someone who has died, the public memory of their passing (or ever having lived), is no longer than a mere day. I have often reflected upon what words I would like on my tombstone. Perhaps the most any of us can hope for is, 'He was here. He mattered. He was missed'. God bless all those who are no longer with us." William Forde: August 6th, 2012. |