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- Strictly for Adults Novels >
Tales from Portlaw
- No Need to Look for Love
- 'The Love Quartet' >
The Priest's Calling Card
- Chapter One - The Irish Custom
- Chapter Two - Patrick Duffy's Family Background
- Chapter Three - Patrick Duffy Junior's Vocation to Priesthood
- Chapter Four - The first years of the priesthood
- Chapter Five - Father Patrick Duffy in Seattle
- Chapter Six - Father Patrick Duffy, Portlaw Priest
- Chapter Seven - Patrick Duffy Priest Power
- Chapter Eight - Patrick Duffy Groundless Gossip
- Chapter Nine - Monsignor Duffy of Portlaw
- Chapter Ten - The Portlaw Inheritance of Patrick Duffy
- Bigger and Better >
- The Oldest Woman in the World >
Sean and Sarah
- Chapter 1 - 'Return of the Prodigal Son'
- Chapter 2 - 'The early years of sweet innocence in Portlaw'
- Chapter 3 - 'The Separation'
- Chapter 4 - 'Separation and Betrayal'
- Chapter 5 - 'Portlaw to Manchester'
- Chapter 6 - 'Salford Choices'
- Chapter 7 - 'Life inside Prison'
- Chapter 8 - 'The Aylesbury Pilgrimage'
- Chapter 9 - Sean's interest in stone masonary'
- Chapter 10 - 'Sean's and Tony's Partnership'
- Chapter 11 - 'Return of the Prodigal Son'
- The Alternative Christmas Party >
The Life of Liam Lafferty
- Chapter One: ' Liam Lafferty is born'
- Chapter Two : 'The Baptism of Liam Lafferty'
- Chapter Three: 'The early years of Liam Lafferty'
- Chapter Four : Early Manhood
- Chapter Five : Ned's Secret Past
- Chapter Six : Courtship and Marriage
- Chapter Seven : Liam and Trish marry
- Chapter Eight : Farley meets Ned
- Chapter Nine : 'Ned comes clean to Farley'
- Chapter Ten : Tragedy hits the family
- Chapter Eleven : The future is brighter
The life and times of Joe Walsh
- Chapter One : 'The marriage of Margaret Mawd and Thomas Walsh’
- Chapter Two 'The birth of Joe Walsh'
- Chapter Three 'Marriage breakup and betrayal'
- Chapter Four: ' The Walsh family breakup'
- Chapter Five : ' Liverpool Lodgings'
- Chapter Six: ' Settled times are established and tested'
- Chapter Seven : 'Haworth is heaven is a place on earth'
- Chapter Eight: 'Coming out'
- Chapter Nine: Portlaw revenge
- Chapter Ten: ' The murder trial of Paddy Groggy'
- Chapter Eleven: 'New beginnings'
The Woman Who Hated Christmas
- Chapter One: 'The Christmas Enigma'
- Chapter Two: ' The Breakup of Beth's Family''
- Chapter Three: From Teenager to Adulthood.'
- Chapter Four: 'The Mills of West Yorkshire.'
- Chapter Five: 'Harrison Garner Showdown.'
- Chapter Six : 'The Christmas Dance'
- Chapter Seven : 'The ballot for Shop Steward.'
- Chapter Eight: ' Leaving the Mill'
- Chapter Ten: ' Beth buries her Ghosts'
- Chapter Eleven: Beth and Dermot start off married life in Galway.
- Chapter Twelve: The Twin Tragedy of Christmas, 1992.'
- Chapter Thirteen: 'The Christmas star returns'
- Chapter Fourteen: ' Beth's future in Portlaw'
The Last Dance
- Chapter One - ‘Nancy Swales becomes the Widow Swales’
- Chapter Two ‘The secret night life of Widow Swales’
- Chapter Three ‘Meeting Richard again’
- Chapter Four ‘Clancy’s Ballroom: March 1961’
- Chapter Five ‘The All Ireland Dancing Rounds’
- Chapter Six ‘James Mountford’
- Chapter Seven ‘The All Ireland Ballroom Latin American Dance Final.’
- Chapter Eight ‘The Final Arrives’
- Chapter Nine: 'Beth in Manchester.'
- 'Two Sisters' >
- Fourteen Days >
‘The Postman Always Knocks Twice’
- Author's Foreword
- Contents
- Chapter One
- Chapter Two
- Chapter Three
- Chapter Four
- Chapter Five
- Chapter Six
- Chapter Seven
- Chapter Eight
- Chapter Nine
- Chapter Ten
- Chapter Eleven
- Chapter Twelve
- Chapter Thirteen
- Chapter Fourteen
- Chapter Fifteen
- Chapter Sixteen
- Chapter Seventeen
- Chapter Eighteen
- Chapter Nineteen
- Chapter Twenty
- Chapter Twenty-One
- Chapter Twenty-Two
Celebrity Contacts
Thoughts and Musings
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- Nature >
Bill's Personal Development
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- Second Chances
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- Holidays of Old
- Memorable Moments of Mine
- Cleckheaton Consecration
- Canadian Loves
- Mum's Wisdom
- 'Early life at my Grandparents'
- Family Holidays
- 'Mother /Child Bond'
- Childhood Pain
- The Death of Lady
- 'Soldiering On'
- 'Romantic Holidays'
- 'On the roof'
- Always wear clean shoes
- 'Family Tree'
- The importance of poise
- 'Growing up with grandparents'
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Chapter Two:
'The early years of sweet innocence in Portlaw'

Between the ages of five days and sixteen-years there had never been a day when Sean and Sarah didn't see each other. They were born in the same hospital in Waterford on the very same day. Their mothers, both of whom lived within one mile of each other, were friends thereafter.
Whilst Molly Platt came from a more cultured and upwardly mobile background to that of Maureen Fanning and wouldn't, under normal circumstances, have ever become close friends with her, it was as though the birth of their first child on the same day in the same place was enough to ignore any social divide that might otherwise have existed and instead, naturally bond them in friendship for the rest of their lives.
Even their Christian names of Maureen Fanning and Molly Platt began with the same letter just as the Christian names of their first-born Sean and Sarah, did. Within two weeks of hospital discharge, both women and their first-born had established regular daily contact. They lived a mile apart; the Platts farmed a smallholding up an old dirt track off the Waterford Road and the Fannings lived in Portlaw itself. The two women remained in close contact for the next sixteen years until their friendship suddenly ended in bitter discord.
The cause of this break in friendship between both women was the most common reason that has bedevilled close friendships between one woman and another ever since time began: a betrayal of trust, brought about initially by the actions of a man who comes between them.
Whilst Molly Platt came from a more cultured and upwardly mobile background to that of Maureen Fanning and wouldn't, under normal circumstances, have ever become close friends with her, it was as though the birth of their first child on the same day in the same place was enough to ignore any social divide that might otherwise have existed and instead, naturally bond them in friendship for the rest of their lives.
Even their Christian names of Maureen Fanning and Molly Platt began with the same letter just as the Christian names of their first-born Sean and Sarah, did. Within two weeks of hospital discharge, both women and their first-born had established regular daily contact. They lived a mile apart; the Platts farmed a smallholding up an old dirt track off the Waterford Road and the Fannings lived in Portlaw itself. The two women remained in close contact for the next sixteen years until their friendship suddenly ended in bitter discord.
The cause of this break in friendship between both women was the most common reason that has bedevilled close friendships between one woman and another ever since time began: a betrayal of trust, brought about initially by the actions of a man who comes between them.

Ever since starting school together, Sean and Sarah just naturally seemed to grow closer and closer. Both came from Catholic households, and their parents continued to have more children. When one of the two women wasn't in the maternity hospital, she could usually be found visiting her friend who was, and vice versa. Their husbands, on the other hand, were as different as chalk and cheese and essentially remained distant in the background of their wife's choice of friendship. There never seemed to be a time when one of the two women wasn't pregnant! Sean eventually became the eldest of seven children (one girl and six boys), and Sarah emerged as the eldest of five, four brothers and her.

As young children who sat in class next to each other at school and who often ate at each other's house, the couple became natural mates. Sarah used to like to draw and paint nature scenes and as the couple went everywhere together, Sean invariably accompanied her on her painting excursions. They seemed to spend all their leisure hours together. In short, Sean and Sarah grew to be inseparable from starting primary school and way into their teens. They were too close in friendship ever to be mistaken for brother and sister and not romantically attached enough to be called boyfriend and girlfriend. They seemed to have a natural liking for the same things, walking, nature, painting and music. Only one topic separated them in view and expression; Sean's politics.

The one thing that they disagreed upon and which was the only cause of them ever exchanging cross words was politics, and in particular 'The Irish Question' as Sean called it. While Sean and his family remained strictly nationalistic, Sarah and her folks were far more flexible and much more accommodating in their views. They were unable to see any reason why Northern and Southern Ireland couldn't remain as two separate countries and still live side-by-side in peace and harmony.
Even the visible approach to each of their households could not have been so different. While the Platt family lived in an old farm-holding that looked like a traditional rustic scene, one mile outside Portlaw, the Fanning household was clearly identifiable as a rebel stronghold to any passer-by; assisted in large measure by the overpowering mural that Sean's father had painted at the gable end of the property many years earlier.
Even the visible approach to each of their households could not have been so different. While the Platt family lived in an old farm-holding that looked like a traditional rustic scene, one mile outside Portlaw, the Fanning household was clearly identifiable as a rebel stronghold to any passer-by; assisted in large measure by the overpowering mural that Sean's father had painted at the gable end of the property many years earlier.

Sarah took an interest in the violin at the age of eight; encouraged largely by her mother who used to play a fiddle prior to her marriage to Mr Platt. Shortly after she had started taking violin lessons, Sean developed an interest in the concertina. He had been brought up on the squeezebox and there had never been a Fanning who hadn't mastered the art of playing one. Sean's movement in this musical direction however, probably had more to do with being closer to squeezing Sarah than his old squeezebox.
Sean's closeness to Sarah was a constant source of aggravation for the couple at school, especially Sean. The number of fights he got into simply because he preferred being in Sarah's company than other boys of his own age merely made him more stubborn than he otherwise would have been and eventually led to him withdrawing from all male contact sports, apart from regular bouts of fisticuffs that he invariably won.
Sean's closeness to Sarah was a constant source of aggravation for the couple at school, especially Sean. The number of fights he got into simply because he preferred being in Sarah's company than other boys of his own age merely made him more stubborn than he otherwise would have been and eventually led to him withdrawing from all male contact sports, apart from regular bouts of fisticuffs that he invariably won.

The years leading into their teenage time in life witnessed a mixture of challenging and confrontational feelings between the couple and both sets of parents. Sean's dad had spoken to his oldest son on a number of occasions since the age of twelve, more or less advising him to spread his wings a bit farther than the Platt household and beyond the range of sweet Sarah; whereas Sean's mum didn't see anything unhealthy at all in their relationship and deep down, probably hoped that he would one day marry Sarah when they were much older.
"It's not natural, Boyo," dad told Sean when he was fourteen years old. "You and Sarah Platt have been in each other's pocket since you were both born. You both need space to grow up and develop. It's no different than planting tatties too close. Crowd them out and they'll blight!"
"It's not natural, Boyo," dad told Sean when he was fourteen years old. "You and Sarah Platt have been in each other's pocket since you were both born. You both need space to grow up and develop. It's no different than planting tatties too close. Crowd them out and they'll blight!"

On the Platt side of the equation, the views expressed to Sarah by her father were partly similar. Sarah's father had never bonded with the Fannings like his wife had done. To him, they were only a few steps up from the bottom rung of a travelling tinker's ladder. He would often give Sarah extra tasks to do about the farm, like helping a female farm hand to feed the chickens after school, just to prevent her skipping off to see Sean and spending all her evening hours with him. Mr Platt felt that his only daughter should be concentrating on her educational studies, her violin practice and spending more time with other girls of her own age.
He loved her so much and because she was his only daughter and the apple of his eye, he naturally thought that no boy would ever be good enough for her. Yet, he didn't want to her to alienate him from her daughterly affections or risk hurting her feelings by telling her something she didn't want to hear. Being middle of the road in political opinion caused him to instantly set his face against Sean. He didn't like Sean for 'being Fenian green' as he called it. He considered the boy's nationalistic views to be too provocative for their own good in these uncertain times.
He loved her so much and because she was his only daughter and the apple of his eye, he naturally thought that no boy would ever be good enough for her. Yet, he didn't want to her to alienate him from her daughterly affections or risk hurting her feelings by telling her something she didn't want to hear. Being middle of the road in political opinion caused him to instantly set his face against Sean. He didn't like Sean for 'being Fenian green' as he called it. He considered the boy's nationalistic views to be too provocative for their own good in these uncertain times.

When Sarah was fifteen years old, she noticed a form of 'cooling off' between her mother and Sean's mum. The house exchange visits became less frequent between both mothers. Sarah's mum also advised her daughter to see Sean a bit less and to concentrate on her educational studies and violin practice more. When Sarah wasn't able to be with Sean and had some spare time on her hands, she would often take a boat out on the Suir and spend hours simply daydreaming about what she wanted out of life.

Between the ages fifteen and sixteen years of age both Sean and Sarah could sense that crunch time was fast approaching. Something additional had crept into their previous innocent relationship. The hormones in both their bodies were gradually pushing the nature of the relationship they'd previously shared into a different pleasure zone. It was an unfamiliar place, which inwardly both Sean and Sarah wanted to explore in different measure, but one which they each knew that they ought not to venture. The couple would frequently go to a spot in Tramore where they would watch the waves and mostly sit and relax with a bit of banter thrown in.
It was during one hot day in their fifteenth year that Sean knew that he wanted Sarah as his own. They'd journeyed to Tramore and Sarah was wearing a short dress in a chiffon see-through material. Her parents would never have allowed her out in such a flimsy garment had they known, but as she had it on beneath another dress of more sober attire, they didn't know. In Tramore, Sarah removed the top dress to reveal the flimsier garment. Sean could hardly take his eyes off her and for the very first time, he looked upon her with eyes of hidden lust. While he made no advancement on Sarah, he frequently placed his hand upon her leg above her knee as often and as innocently as he could do so and get away with it.
It was during one hot day in their fifteenth year that Sean knew that he wanted Sarah as his own. They'd journeyed to Tramore and Sarah was wearing a short dress in a chiffon see-through material. Her parents would never have allowed her out in such a flimsy garment had they known, but as she had it on beneath another dress of more sober attire, they didn't know. In Tramore, Sarah removed the top dress to reveal the flimsier garment. Sean could hardly take his eyes off her and for the very first time, he looked upon her with eyes of hidden lust. While he made no advancement on Sarah, he frequently placed his hand upon her leg above her knee as often and as innocently as he could do so and get away with it.

By the time that Sean had reached fifteen years of age, he knew that he was one of the few boys in the school within his peer range who hadn't once 'done it' with a female; probably one of a few pupils who hadn't yet gone all the way. More and more often now, Sean would be unable to be in the private company of Sarah without wanting her to be become more demonstrably affectionate beyond a deep kiss or a touch of her clothed breasts. On a few occasions when he had slowly manipulated his hand towards the hem of her dress and had tried to casually move it up her leg towards his target, he'd been abruptly stopped as soon as the contact of flesh upon flesh was apparent to Sarah. And then there were occasions when her kisses would be so passionate, that to Sean, they gave out confused signals between what Sarah wanted and what she would allow herself to have!
There always seemed to be an impasse that could not be crossed between French kissing and heavy petting that undoubtedly came from Sarah's contradictions of wants and desires. Such contradictions of behaviour would inevitably add to Sean's level of frustration and confusion. Sometimes she would see such refusals as representing a personal rejection of his advancements and not him. To Sean however, the two seemed to be one and the same!
"Why not?" he'd ask Sarah, after another foray up the inside of her slender leg had resulted in yet another disappointment for the young lothario when Sarah placed her hand on his to stop any further advancement against her modesty. "Don't you love me? Don't you want to?" he asked, hoping that the excess amount of guilt that all Catholics carry around with them from the cradle to the grave could be made to work in his favour for once!
"It isn't that, Sean. You know I do. You know I love you and I want you.....you know I want to, but I can't. It would be foolish to risk throwing away the next four years until we've both been to college, just to have something that will taste all the sweeter for the wait once we're married, wouldn't it?"
There always seemed to be an impasse that could not be crossed between French kissing and heavy petting that undoubtedly came from Sarah's contradictions of wants and desires. Such contradictions of behaviour would inevitably add to Sean's level of frustration and confusion. Sometimes she would see such refusals as representing a personal rejection of his advancements and not him. To Sean however, the two seemed to be one and the same!
"Why not?" he'd ask Sarah, after another foray up the inside of her slender leg had resulted in yet another disappointment for the young lothario when Sarah placed her hand on his to stop any further advancement against her modesty. "Don't you love me? Don't you want to?" he asked, hoping that the excess amount of guilt that all Catholics carry around with them from the cradle to the grave could be made to work in his favour for once!
"It isn't that, Sean. You know I do. You know I love you and I want you.....you know I want to, but I can't. It would be foolish to risk throwing away the next four years until we've both been to college, just to have something that will taste all the sweeter for the wait once we're married, wouldn't it?"

This was the very first time that Sarah had declared that she loved him and had assumed that they would one day marry after they'd been to college. It didn't remove the sexual urge that Sean still felt for his sweetheart in the slightest, but for the moment, it now made the suffering all the more bearable. Sarah saw the look of pleasure on Sean's face after she'd told him that she loved him. To get his mind off what he'd been thinking of and put it elsewhere, she ran ahead towards some rocks and said, "I'll kiss you if you catch me!" It was at that point in their relationship that Sean realised that he'd already been caught by the beautiful Sarah and was now just waiting to be reeled in at her pleasure.

One evening while Sean was waiting for Sarah to change in her bathroom before they both went out walking, he managed to see Sarah in her glory for the first time ever. The rest of the Platt family were in a different part of the farm property and for a matter of five or ten minutes, Sean and Sarah were the only occupants inside the farmhouse.
As Sarah changed, she and Sean continued to talk loudly to each other. Without forewarning her, Sean moved closer to the bathroom. Sarah had left the door ajar and was standing by the sink as she yelled something back at Sean. Sean's pulse raced as he set eyes on the sensual curves of Sarah. Even from the rear, and although not yet quite sixteen years old, she looked every bit a woman. Sean didn't know whether Sarah had set up this visual treat for him to compensate for having kept him in at bay for over a year now. To tell the truth, he didn't care. Sarah had shown him 'what not to throw away' simply by being too eager not to wait.
As Sarah changed, she and Sean continued to talk loudly to each other. Without forewarning her, Sean moved closer to the bathroom. Sarah had left the door ajar and was standing by the sink as she yelled something back at Sean. Sean's pulse raced as he set eyes on the sensual curves of Sarah. Even from the rear, and although not yet quite sixteen years old, she looked every bit a woman. Sean didn't know whether Sarah had set up this visual treat for him to compensate for having kept him in at bay for over a year now. To tell the truth, he didn't care. Sarah had shown him 'what not to throw away' simply by being too eager not to wait.

That night, Sean found that he was unable to settle down and rid his young body of the mountain of sexual frustration it contained. Being one of a large family, despite having his own bed to sleep in, he was still obliged to share a bedroom with two younger brothers who slept together. The toilet therefore became the only place left in the household in which he could be fully relieved. Had Sean known that Sarah was engaged in similar sexual activity, he might have felt less guilty and more secure in his own particular form of nightcap.

Sean's and Sarah's world was shattered by two events that was unleashed on both families within the same month of their sixteenth year of life. Although entirely unconnected, each event would help to produce feelings of hatred and contempt and fashion such ill will between the two families that would never previously have been thought possible.

The first event was of a more natural order; given the overall nature of mankind that has ruled all reason and logic since Adam and Eve gave way to temptation. Sean and Sarah decided to spend their 16th birthday together without the knowledge of either set of parents. There was a dance in Waterford at 'The Foundry Club' where one of the up and coming groups were performing.
They spent the early evening at their respective homes in the presence of their family. At 9.30 pm Sean said he was going to a dance in Waterford with a few of the boys to celebrate his birthday and added that he would probably sleep over at Craig Stone's house on the Waterford Road if it was too late to get a taxi home.
At the other household, Sarah was also making her plans known that she intended to attend the Waterford dance with a few friends and would be late back. She promised to phone her 'da' as she affectionately called him, if she couldn't get a taxi back home from 'The Foundry Club.'
They spent the early evening at their respective homes in the presence of their family. At 9.30 pm Sean said he was going to a dance in Waterford with a few of the boys to celebrate his birthday and added that he would probably sleep over at Craig Stone's house on the Waterford Road if it was too late to get a taxi home.
At the other household, Sarah was also making her plans known that she intended to attend the Waterford dance with a few friends and would be late back. She promised to phone her 'da' as she affectionately called him, if she couldn't get a taxi back home from 'The Foundry Club.'

By 10.00 pm Sean and Sarah were having a fine old time together at the dance. The group was a trio from Galway who were highly popular and which the club owners had boasted in the press cost £1,000 to hire for the night. The place was crowded and to tell the truth, it wouldn't have mattered which group was present as far as love-sick Sean and Sarah were concerned. It had been almost two weeks since they'd been able to see each other as school had broken up for the summer holidays and they had been deliberately kept occupied by their parents with other household responsibilities.

The couple felt so good to be in each other's presence again. They were obviously besotted with each other and danced and drank whenever one of their older friends would get them a round from the bar. As the night progressed, the two lovebirds kissed more than talked. They were happy and slightly drunk, not being too familiar with the intake of such alcoholic amounts, especially the spiked drink that Ned Foggerty gave Sarah half way through the night.
The alcohol started to have an effect on Sarah. She didn't come across to Sean as being inebriated, merely merry. Sarah suddenly felt hot and asked to get some fresh air. The couple went outside and moved to the side of the dance hall that courting couples wishing to remain out of view visited.
"Oh, Sean," Sarah said, "Thank you sweetheart for such a wonderful birthday treat. I love loving you, Sean Fanning."
The alcohol started to have an effect on Sarah. She didn't come across to Sean as being inebriated, merely merry. Sarah suddenly felt hot and asked to get some fresh air. The couple went outside and moved to the side of the dance hall that courting couples wishing to remain out of view visited.
"Oh, Sean," Sarah said, "Thank you sweetheart for such a wonderful birthday treat. I love loving you, Sean Fanning."

Sarah kissed Sean and the couple embraced. The kiss was one of passion fuelled by sexual desire. She wore a dress that had a neckline that made the fondling of her breasts more accessible. Sean slowly inserted his left hand inside her dress and Sarah continued to kiss him passionately. Then to Sean's surprise, all subsequent advancement by him upon her womanly virtue went unresisted. The alcoholic effects on both eventually had its effect, especially on Sarah, who now acted wholly in an uninhibited manner, giving way to all of her bottled-up sexual impulses. Like a child who'd tasted cream cake for the first time, all that Sarah instinctively wanted after Sean's stroking of her breasts had aroused her was 'more of the same.'
Sarah acted as though her bodily desires had remained trapped so long that tonight was the time to free them. Tonight she would play her violin concerto all the way through to the very last note. Sean continued to stimulate Sarah and found his fingers inside her knickers. Within a matter of minutes, Sarah's dam of passion had been unblocked, releasing her unbridled cravings and leaving her feeling on fire with the sensations of orgasmic explosion. It was love's sweet music!
"Yes! Yes, Sean! Yes! Yes!" she echoed as Sean started to believe that all of his birthdays had arrived together!
After it was over, both parties nervously rearranged their clothing garments in a more respectable manner and re-entered the dance hall without even mentioning what had transpired between them. Sean felt good inside that Sarah had at last given herself to him, and as for Sarah, she'd been too inebriated to distinguish between the pleasure of the experience and the possible guilt it would later bring back to her door. For the present though, she loved Sean and was content to see the look of happiness on his face as they returned inside the club and prepared to call it a night and go back home.
Sean got Sarah a taxi back home and decided to stay at the home of one of the Waterford crowd instead of having to explain the ins and outs to his parents of who he'd been with that night.
Sarah acted as though her bodily desires had remained trapped so long that tonight was the time to free them. Tonight she would play her violin concerto all the way through to the very last note. Sean continued to stimulate Sarah and found his fingers inside her knickers. Within a matter of minutes, Sarah's dam of passion had been unblocked, releasing her unbridled cravings and leaving her feeling on fire with the sensations of orgasmic explosion. It was love's sweet music!
"Yes! Yes, Sean! Yes! Yes!" she echoed as Sean started to believe that all of his birthdays had arrived together!
After it was over, both parties nervously rearranged their clothing garments in a more respectable manner and re-entered the dance hall without even mentioning what had transpired between them. Sean felt good inside that Sarah had at last given herself to him, and as for Sarah, she'd been too inebriated to distinguish between the pleasure of the experience and the possible guilt it would later bring back to her door. For the present though, she loved Sean and was content to see the look of happiness on his face as they returned inside the club and prepared to call it a night and go back home.
Sean got Sarah a taxi back home and decided to stay at the home of one of the Waterford crowd instead of having to explain the ins and outs to his parents of who he'd been with that night.
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