"Nature forged, Nature crafted and Nature real; all three aspects of Nature can astound and make one marvel, but remains wonderful in whatever form it is presented.
The top LH corner shows the Tunnel Falls in Oregon along the Eagle Creek Trail. It is an epic 13-mile one-way trail; one way because passing is imposible coming from opposite directions.
In the top RH corner we can see the decorative and collage work created by the world famous body painter, Johannes Stotter where five women models are made to look like one amphibian.
The bottom image is a stunning valley of flowers from northern India's state of Uttarakhand which borders the Nepal and Tibet.
Despite all the wonders of the world, created through time, art or effort, none can ever match the sheer bravery and beauty of a butterfly as it happily soars through its life oblivious to the mere knowledge that behind that next wall can lie a person hell bent on capturing it and breaking its wings apart: yet knowing the risk it takes, it still flies towards the next wall. Those who have been hurt through giving love unreturned take heart and heed from the butterfly." William Forde: September 24th, 2014.