"Dispute neither depth nor true devotion of a mother's love towards her only child. See how tenderly her grasp upon her precious charge is as she nestles her ever closer to the maternal folds of her breasts as if too squeeze the last breath of love out of her young and fragile form.
Doubt not the lengths to which this loving mother will go in order to protect and make her child the happiest of all children. She will travel to the ends of the earth for her, and would, if needs ever necessitated, give up her last breath and die for her.
However, in her fountain of maternal wisdom, she will never live for her; knowing that such degree of love is selfishly suffocating. For it is only through a loving mother willing to 'let go' and allow her precious charge to cut the umbilical cord and develop their own independence and identity, that the wings of her butterfly affections can be free to fly elsewhere. Only through such maternal wisdom, will the love between the two never lessen and their mutual respect forever grow.
Oh mixed age of time and wisdom, let me not forget that youth is never wasted on the young." William Forde: September 8th, 2013.