'What a waste': Copyright William Forde.
"A wasted day is one spent without the sound of laughter or lived in a woodland where birds no longer sing, wild flowers have abandoned their roots and soft breeze refuse to travel through the trees.
A wasted breath is one that is foully spent in the mocking and derision of others who outrank you in everything that is generous, wholesome and good and to whom your agreement or approval cannot be given.
A wasted coin of the realm travels not between industrious hands, but is hoarded and buried in treasure chests and secret vaults where it lives like stinking fish; accruing interest that is never spent, doing no good for either borrower or burier. Far better to have spent it frivolously than saved forever more; far better still to have deprived oneself of its ownership and to have given to another in greater need.
A wasted life is one lived in a state of permanent regret, never having known the love of self or felt the love of others while walking nature's path. It is a wasted year without the warmth of summer in season's stride, without the spring of surprise in one's journey through a woodland of floral hope.
A life ended is when we choose to live no more and when we decide to surrender to the ease of endless pain. A wasted surrender is when to give in to greed and the debilitating forces of hostility, depression and damnation. A wasted opportunity seems to offer more to the instant advancement and gratification of self than the softness of generosity thrown freely in the caring confetti of good will to all.
So waste not, want not and refuse not the salvation that is offered to all by merely becoming and remaining the good person we were born to be.'"
Copyright William Forde. September 2nd, 2014.