"Nothing halts the pleasure of my senses more than the passing of a season. I love all four seasons of our green and pleasant land in equal measure, yet love them for different reasons.
I love the spring because of the new birth it represents, the summer for the pleasures of life it provides in abundance, the autumn for the true purpose of change it reveals and the winter for its timely reminder that hibernation and rest is good for the mind, body and soul
And yet to witness summer slowly die and know that flowers will fade, grasses wilt, leaves prepare to fall and creatures withdraw once more to their woodland bolt holes and hidden nests above and below ground, produces a time of personal reflection upon the gradual passing of one's own existence.
But behold the new life that awaits all; fear not the passing of yearly months and nature's seasons for they will never die. There is a great comfort in knowing that though our life within nature's woods is often confined to no more than three score years and ten, that we too will face rebirth in every child we ever parented and every family relation that bears our name. Rejoice for their springs to come, the summers of their dreams yet to be realised and the bountiful harvests of their heritage." William Forde: September 28th, 2013.