I can well imagine how difficult it can be for older people who have never married, been long divorced or even widowed to stir themselves into having a social life again. Then there are those who have been badly hurt or let down by another who find it almost impossible to trust another individual and risk a broken-heart repeat. I also think that it must be more difficult for those of us who are physically challenged in our appearance and mannerisms; and yet, I fervently believe that there is someone out there for you and that fate waits in the wings for us all.
The happiness of being with someone you love can never be measured or surpassed. I was told months ago that I have a terminal illness and yesterday I learned that it had advanced yet, believe me when I tell you that I have never been happier in my life than I have been since I met my wife Sheila. Had anyone told me after my divorce that another woman would make me so happy, I simply would never have believed them. Once I met my new love, 'after getting out there' again, the feast of life which had invariably always been good to me provided me with untold treasure of the heart. Believe me when I say that had I been presented with the option of living another 30 years without ever having met Sheila or just a few years with her, there would simply have been no choice to make!
I tell you this, not to elicit your empathy and love which I know I have in abundance, but because there are so few occasions in a person's life when one is truly capable of influencing another. So my thought for today is simply the message, 'Never give up on self. Never give up on another and most of all, never ever give up on love. Love is the most enduring of all emotions and lasts beyond marriage and indeed life itself.' Believe me." William Forde: September 26th, 2013.