"When I met my Sheila, my life changed so much for the better that I didn't know if I'd fallen from a great height into the arms of an angel or whether a falling angel had landed in my lucky lap. Either way, I'm happy and am not complaining.
Then she got into something more comfortable to wear, got out the flour and made her hands all sticky. I wasn't sure what she intended to do with those delicate fingers as I'd heard all kinds of weird stories about the kinky habits of Haworth Heath women. I waited with baited breath and anticipated pleasure.
She was simply stunning to see in full flow as she moved backwards and forwards, pushing and prodding as she writhed her slim body all over the kitchen table. For almost ninety minutes, Sheila showed me all she had learned over the years. 'That's enough! Enough I cried out.' I couldn't endure the experience for a minute longer. 'For God's sake woman, get that baking out of the oven and cut up that soda and malt bread this minute before I blow my top!
After I'd tasted all of her delicious wares that Sheila eventually introduced me to, I just knew that that I had indeed found my angel of delight." William Forde: September 11th, 2013.