"Thank God that civilised society has become more enlightened over the past fifty years and in the main, no longer judges a person's worth by the colour of their skin or the character of their circumstances.
I know however, that in saying this that one particular type of discrimination and racialism has simply been replaced by a newer type. And so it has been, ever since people with foreign faiths, cultures and faces have come to live here over the past centuries; the Huguenots, the Catholics, the Jews, the Irish, the West Indian, the Pakistani and more recently the Polish, Turks, Romanians and all manner of travelling Gypsy.
And yet, as a nation we appear to have most certainly progressed in many areas. Today, the indigenous population seems more concerned with jobs, housing, education, wage levels and allocation of the National Health resources when it seeks to restrict number of foreign migration to this country as opposed to the once-burning issue of 'Are they black or white?'
Or is this other than it seems? America and its citizens of the deep south are clearly more advanced in view than they were in the ugly 20's and 30's, yet discrimination of numerous kinds are still committed in their country's name and are been carried out in other parts of the world almost a century later than these lynchings took place.
Put simply, there is more than one way to hang a person out to dry. If you segregate them by wealth, status, educational and employment prospects, medical entitlement, housing allocation and vagaries in the criminal justice system, some might well argue that whilst you may no longer engage in lynching the black person, although the rope has been demonstrably loosened, it still remains inexorably hanging around their necks as they are left to feel the social pressures of 2013. " William Forde: October 7th, 2013.