"Thought for today:
"I love the seasons of spring and autumn. Both spring and autumn represent to me both start and slow down of the year and remind me very much of human life in progress; the growth spurt of a child born new into the world gradually being transformed to seasonal settledness in our twilight years.
Just as spring is a time to look forward to the year ahead, the autumn is a time to take stock of what has passed and to prepare for the season yet to come. It is a time to rejoice in the splendour of what the surrounding environment has yet to offer before all the trees shed their colourful leaves and many of the woodland animals prepare to hibernate.
Soon the days will grow shorter and colder and the nights will draw down sooner. Before we realise it, another Christmas and brand New Year will be upon us once more as visits by family members and seasonal get-togethers with friends who we only meet up with occasionally are pleasurably anticipated.
Then there will be the proverbial question that we ask ourselves each Christmast as we mentally prepare for the Christmast dinner; turkey or goose?, before deciding to stick with the safety of what we always have. Even in our behaviour as in our climate, all remains constantly seasonal." William Forde: October 16th, 2014.