"Mark Twain advises us to 'Throw off the bowlines and sail away from the safe harbour.' We tend to play safe when we are children and are only prepared to rock the steady boat when we are young adults who are strong enough to make it back to shore if the boat capsizes. Then we settle down again when we first get married and acquire a mortgage, partner, family, job ambition and all the responsibilities we can bear. It is only when we acquire the status of 'senior citizen' do we reach a decisive cross road again; when we need to choose whether to hang up our boots or to sail out of safe harbour for the final voyage before the tide goes out and stays out. It is as though one has to be either young and bold to face the fear of choppy and uncertain passage across new seas, or older and more seasoned in senior citizenship not to allow any inherent dangers to deter." William Forde: October 14th, 2012.