"The last day of October was said to be one of the hottest Halloweens on record. It was certainly a fine end to what has been a magnificently warm October.
I love Autumn in all its splendour. With regard to the overall majesty that captures one's senses, I am reminded of the close comparison that exists between Nature and Nurture.
While it is true that both spring and summer offer a greater variety of markedly different colours upon which to feast one's eyes, there is simply no other seaon that can produce such beauty with so few primary shades of yellow, brown and green upon its woodland palette. To see these three shades fuse so effortlessly into each other is like observing the natural union of two people deeply in love with each other and seeing the couple morph into one person over a brief period of time and change with the passing season.
To see autumn in its finest splenour and not be transfixed by its endless beauty is to miss out on one of Nature's wonders. So get on those walking boots and get out there and shake hands with Nature." William Forde: November 2nd, 2014.