"It is ironic that in this world of 2013, where civilisation is put forward as the distinction between the barbaric and the ideal, that sheer opulence and abject poverty are allowed to co-exist in order to maintain the economic status-quo where 'capitalism' rules all.
In short, it is in the interest for the capitalist economic system of the western hemisphere that in order to seek a life of plenty for their peoples that they continue to operate a global economy that maintains the continuing poverty-gap with the eastern poor. It isn't the man and woman in the street that either desires or seeks it so, but their governments of the day.
What a obscene situation to know that the opulence of one rich household who uses its money to purchase parallel sliding stairs to save the energy of their overfed offspring, and to provide a television for mum so that she can watch her soap in the bathroom and complete her ablutions in a cubical with gold taps, could feed an entire African or Indian village of 200 people for one year!" William Forde : November 25th, 2013.