"Check this out, mate. It is a hard lesson of life to discover that one is no Canute and when it comes to turning the tide of large events and that one is just as helpless as the next chap in the bus queue.
If I could turn back the tide, what would I chose to delay, halt or change?
For a start, I'd most certainly delay the onset of old age and all of its attendant losses from which one once derived great pleasure and immense satisfaction, but which now remains on the menu, yet is rarely tasted. I would most certainly halt the increasing likelihood of forgetting the names of important things, events and people, for though I don't have Alzheimers I sometimes fear I might develop it as my memory tends to fail me more often. I would most certainly change some past decisions I made like smoking my first cigarette, getting married before I was 50, once turning down tickets to see a Beetle's Concert in America in the belief that I'd see them anyway when I returned to England, but never did, along with making a greater financial effort to visit 'The Great Wall of China' while my legs were strong enough to climb its steps. I would most certainly wish that I hadn't said 'No' when I meant 'Yes', 'Yes' when I should have said 'No' and 'Maybe' far more often!
Finally, were I able to turn back the tide of history, I'd restore the Emerald land of my birth to a non-partitioned state of Home Rule and I would hang a picture in the 'Hall of Shame' of every British politician who initially engineered us into joining the Common Market all those years ago upon a huge deceit along with every single one of them who has lied to keep us in Europe ever since! " William Forde: November 21st, 2013.