"When I was young there was a favourite spot to which I would regularly go in order to think things through and look towards the future.
Mine was a bridge that overlooked water below. Sometimes I would convince myself that if I looked hard enough towards the horizon, somehow I would be able to see what lay in store for me during the years ahead and the places I would travel to.
By the time I'd reached the age of twelve, I readily accepted that I would never be able to look into the future, but in later years I did discover the great advantage to one's wellbeing there is by being able to look into the past and to learn from some of the things we have seen and done; something all of us can do.
Without seeing past mistakes we could never learn to do things correctly. Without recognising past wrongs, how could we ever hope to put things right once more? In short, without the past there can be no future for any of us. This wonderful photo which Shirley Robson gave me her permission to reproduce reminded me of the bridge of my youth. Did you have your favourite thinking place?" William Forde: November 19th, 2014.