"The weather over the next three months is forecast to be very wet and stormy, so better stay well covered up!
There are times in all of our lives when stormy climates loom large and threaten havoc. At such times we do well to stick close to good neighbours, families and friends and remain ever closer to our God and long-held beliefs. For it from such stable factors in our lives that we are able to ride out the storm and emerge at the other side all the stronger for it.
When Christmas morning dawns this year and you begin to unwrap your Christmas gifts, forget not the presents of infinite value that you have always possessed, but may have left unwrapped at some critical junctures of your life.
Think upon the ballast of brotherhood that good friends have offered you during times of need. Think upon the closeness that your dear mother gave you during periods when comfort was most sought and the remainder of the world seemed so distant. Think upon the quiet and often unvoiced love that your father felt for you during all the days of his life. Think upon the love of your brothers and sisters who might fiercely argue with you, but who would shed their blood for you if needs must. Think upon the love of your wife, partner and soul mate; the one whom without would leave your shadow incomplete. Think upon the unqualified love that your dog has bestowed on you since you first took her to your heart. Think upon God's love that will never desert you however badly you behave or undeserving you become of it.Think upon all these things and hold on tight to them and no storm will ever be tempestuous enough to rock you from your moorings.
Christmas will soon be upon us. Please God that mankind can find the true spirit of the season which has always lain there ready to be picked up by all who genuinely believe that we each are part of a greater whole. Know that if we travel through our lives ignoring any other traveller in need or shunning any other who seeks to walk alongside us, we remain incomplete in the fullness of the person we were meant to be." November 18th, 2014.