"Today, is a double celebration for me. One year ago, I married the love of my life, Sheila at 'West Lane Baptist Chapel' in Haworth. I am glad to report that she looks as beautiful now as she did then, albeit a few pounds heavier, I suspect. Today is also my 71st birthday. Had anyone told me in my youth that the happiest year of my life would be my 70th, I would never have believed them.
I must confess, that I originally thought that getting married on my birthday last year was a good move on my part. Not only does it enable me never to commit that cardinal sin of ever forgetting our wedding anniversary, but if I play my cards right, I shall remain entitled to two separate presents on this day for the rest of my life and poor, little Sheila will have only the entitlement of one. However, knowing Sheila to be no mug when it comes to good house budgeting, it looks like I can now look forward to presents which normally come in 'pairs' that will enable her to give me one for my birthday and its partner for my wedding anniversary, like socks, gloves, footwear, cuff links etc.etc. Handkerchiefs will be quite easy for her to deal with, but I haven't quite figured out yet how she will get round the problem of a pair of underpants without cutting me down to size? Those who would like to see Graham's Smith's (Of Bronte Media), marvellous production of our wedding day photos, need simply click on the link here." William Forde: November 10th, 2013.http://www.fordefables.co.uk/my-wedding.html