"To accomplish great things we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe. Remain true to yourself and constant to your dreams and you shall realise what can be. Never doubt your ability to endure and succeed. Have faith in yourself and in all manner of things that are good and wholesome, for faith is awesome and its extent of power is limitless. The next time you breathe the fresh air, breathe in the realms of all possibility and allow this elixir of life to touch the palate of your senses and send your taste buds into a frenzy of future hope and a purr of eternal satisfaction. It is for you that the earth continues to spin on its axis of love; it is for your dreams that the Creator gave you the imagination to conceive the total sum of all your hope. Believe and it shall be!" William Forde: May 5th, 2013.