'God's Galaxy' Copyright William Forde
"Oh earthly wonder of sheer delight, reveal to me the world beyond my wildest imagination. Show me the stars that shine into black oblivion that takes one back to time and place where time and place did not exist and all galactic movement had never been to be forgotten.
Remind me of earth's construction in the stellar system of the Creator's design; the large-scale aggregate of stars, gas and dust that nourish God's galaxy and milky way that suckled and breathed life to all mankind.'
I recently came across this short poem I wrote some years ago and it got me thinking about all the author's of the Old and New Testament and how I might have written a condensed version of all the books. For instance, had I been charged to write the Book Of Genesis, this would have been my humble version of God's creation.
'On day one He created the world and the heavens and the stars. On day two He created the earth on which to place his most loved of treasures in His universe. On day three He created earth's sky and filled it with birds of the air. On day four He created earth's sea and filled it with all manner of fish and marine life. On day five He created earth's land, mountains, forests and deserts and filled them with beast and animals and provided all living form with enough food to eat and ground to roam.
On day six He created his most beautiful creation of all when He made you and placed you on the earth to live in peace with your neighbour. On the seventh day, God rested and when He looked upon his creation he was pleased with what he'd made.
The Lord God made the world on high and set it spinning on an axis of love. Only love makes the world go around and it is only through the love expressed by one of God's creatures to another that keeps it spinning in perpetual motion. You are the living embodiment of God's love.....you. Without you there would be no need for purpose, earth or God!'" William Forde: May 27th, 2014.