" Hugs are essential to the well being of mankind.There isn't anything on this earth which is as powerful at certain times in one's life. Along with the kiss (and probably even surpassing it), there is simply no other action of emotional expression between two people which can be substituted by word or that means as much. In conventional jargon, 'What you see is you get'. We hug when the emotion that we feel is stronger and seems more appropriate than any words we can speak. What the hug says cannot be truly expressed in words or substituted by them. When we meet a loved-one, sweetheart, family member or life-long friend after having been parted for a long time, a hug says, 'I love you and I'm so, so glad to be with you again.' We also hug at moments of deep sadness, when we have just given or received news pertaining to the death of someone we dearly love. We also hug if ever we have that sad task of telling or hearing from our partner that the medical examination just undertaken has identified a fatal illness, or when our best friend tells us that they are dying. Hugs are of huge importance in our lives and if we're wise and have a partner with whom we share a bed, the very first and last act of every day should be a hug. It is so enduring and cannot be beaten. All children and adults and pet creatures need them!" William Forde: March 3rd, 2013.