" Precocious children may be a pain in the backside when they are young and are finding their way in the world. Look on the bossy child with patience and in the certainty that you are looking at one of the next business mogals, pioneers of industry and political leaders.They remind me very much of my children William and Becky when they were at pre-school age. At the age of 6 years, my son William visited his Headteacher's office one lunch break and refused to read any more baby books; already having read all the Roald Dahl books before his 7th birthday. My daughter Becky was the cleverest in her class until the age of 15 years and was an extensive reader and budding author. Then, in their teenage years, they both stopped reading and it was as though they had decided to live their youth instead of reading and writing about it. Today, they seem to have come back on the track of responsible adulthood and are shaping up to become ball breakers once more. They'll always be world leaders in my eyes! " William Forde: March 29th, 2013.