"This thing called 'failure' comes not about from falling down, but is born in the staying down and refusing to get up and face life anew. Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new. To live one's life is to become familiar with many mistakes and to make bedfellows of chance and opportunity.
Many a confident player of plain voice will sing out loud while others of greater timidity and uncertainty will spend their days in hiding among the long grass as they waste their time stringing and unstringing their instrument while the song they came to sing remains unsung and any audience they once hoped to entertain has long departed.
So be not afraid to fail, for in every failure can be found the seeds of success. Besides, all action implies some risk and without learning to engage in such risk from time to time, you'll simply get eaten up by the world around you." William Forde: March 23rd, 2015.