"I am not usually one to point the finger of approbation so openly, but I have to say that in my experience, there are some who deserve to be in the dog house when they mess up and there are those who don't.
For myself, I managed to remember Valantine's Day this year. I usually do; being an old romantic who was brought up on Betty Davies and Doris Day films and never expecting more than a kiss on my first date; even though I'd walked the leather off my shoes taking her safely home six miles or so. This was an unspoken rule at the time of having the last dance of the night at the Mecca. If you kissed her, you were expected to see her home to her doorstep, wherever she lived.
But what about those other important things that women remember until the day they die and men invariably forget such as: 'What was I wearing on the first day we met? Where did we first meet? What was your opening chat-up-line?' etc etc etc. I never knew that such details were of crucial importance until she wore 'the' dress a second time and I didn't comment, until I passed Gascoigne's restaurant without blessing myself with the sign of the cross and saying three Hail Marys, and everytime I repeat the same old chat-up-line to her on a Saturday night of, 'Will you or won't you then?'
It happens to be a cruel fact I know, but there are many chaps out there who are just no good when it comes to remembering significant anniversary dates, venues and sayings throughout the year that mean so much to the women in their lives and sadly, so little to themselves. Such absent mindedness alas, will put you back in the doghouse and keep you there." William Forde: March 1st, 2014.