"Here is food for thought. Always love the planet and all of the flora and the fauna that can be found there and you will never go hungry nor thirst for friendship and companionship.
If mankind has purpose on this earth, then it be attaining salvation of the soul and not survival of the fittest. Mankind's prime purpose is to love one's neighbour as oneself whether one believes in a deity or not. For it is only through the love one person expressed towards another can our world continue to turn on an axis of love in perfect motion, thereby allowing all creatures be respected in their natural habitats.
When considering 'What is the greatest love' we each have our own different answers. For you it may be the love of a partner, child or other creature. For myself it is what I believe to be the very fountain and source of all love. To love is great, but the greatest love of all is Nature; for Nature is God and to love Nature is to love God." William Forde: June 3rd, 2014.