"It was once said that western civilisation is a loaded gun pointed at the head of this planet in which most of what we do is geared to destroy and not sustain. Why cannot mankind realise that by living a life built upon increased consumerism, we are eating away our planet bit by bit? We should only take from the earth's resources that which we are prepared to put back if future life is to be sustained.
The planet's biggest problems have to do with sustainability, environmental decline, global poverty, disease, conflict and so forth. The simple truth is that they're all interconnected. It's all one big problem and the way we're doing things can't go on. The first rule of 'sustainability' is to align with natural forces, or at least not try to defy them.
Forests and meat animals compete for the same land. The prodigious appetite of the affluent nations for meat means that agribusiness can pay more than those who want to preserve or restore the forest. The unpalatible truth is that rainforests are being burnt down to make room for the expansion of more McDonalds! When we destroy the rainforests, we deplete our range of natural cures and empty the medicine cabinets. We are, quite literally, gambling with the future of our planet, and all for the sake of hamburgers.
Alas, our technology has marched ahead of our spiritual and social evolution, making us, frankly, a dangerous people from which our children and their children's children will one day inherit the seeds we now sow. Sustainability and survival is about the future generations for whom we make decisions today. We need to defend the interests of those whom we've never met and never will." William Forde: June 23rd, 2015.