"If you stick by me and watch and listen carefully, then you too shall grow up wise, Olly because I will teach you everything that Miss Wigglesworth has taught me in class.
My teacher, Miss Wigglesworth says that the wisest birds of all are those who get up in time for school, wash behind their ears, eat all their porridge placed before them and take pride in their daily appearance. And she ought to know, because Miss Wigglesworth is my teacher. She is a brain box and she knows absolutely everything!
Miss Wigglesworth says that to succeed in life you need three things. You need a wishbone, a backbone and a funny bone. Miss Wigglesworth makes me laugh! She gave me a wishbone yesterday and said I already had the other two. Last week I fell in the playground and grazed my knee. Miss Wigglesworth gave it a magic rub and made it better. Miss Wigglesworth says that sometimes bad things happen in life and that she once knew a little girl who got a splinter in her bottom sliding down a rainbow. Miss Wigglesworth is a brainbox and knows absolutely everything there is to know!
We had Sports Day at school last week and me and Katie Brown came last in the three-legged race and cried. Miss wigglesworth gave us both a cuiddle and said, 'Well done, Rosie and Katie.' I told her that I wish we could run it again and if we could we'd run faster, but she said, 'There's always next year's Sports Day Rosie and Katie. We can't turn the clock back, but we can always rewind it and have another go.' We told her that our mums were watching the race and it would have been so nice if we could have finished anywhere except in last place. Miss Wigglesworth said that we should forget about it and not worry because things turn out best for those people who make the best of the way things turn out. I didn't quite understand that but it sounded clever!
Miss Wigglesworth knows how to talk properly and while I can understand her nearly all the time, sometimes she talks funny. In class yesterday we were talking about our pets and I told her about my puppy dog Patch. I told her that I'm sure he's clever, but he won't learn to take the ball from my hand when I hold it out for him. Miss Wigglesworth said,'If your ship doesn't come in, swim out to it and put the ball in his mouth to start with.'
Miss Wigglesworth may be a clever brainbox, but even she sometimes says stupid things. I wasn't talking about ships or going swimming. I wonder if she was tickling my funny bone?'' William Forde: June 21st, 2014.