"Books are the quietest and most constant of my friends; the most accessible and wisest of counsellors and the most patient of teachers. In reading them we can lose, rediscover and find ourselves in both the real and the imaginary. We rely upon the philosophers, poets and playwrights to articulate what most of us can only feel in joy or sorrow. They explain the emotions that we can but feel, yet know not the origin of. They illuminate the thoughts for which we can but grope in the barrenness of our understanding. They give us the strength and balm we cannot always find in ourselves when the cruel experiences of life weaken and threaten without. Whenever I feel my quest for knowledge thirst, my courage for the present waver or my fears for the future despair, I rush to these scribes; for they provide me with the wisdom of greater understanding and improved learning. They instill in me the will and resilience to push on with life once more and to vigorously resist the urge to surrender to my darker forces.
Reading books have been known to make one wiser, more curious and even taller. They offer romance to the romantic, adventure to the adventurous and aspiration to the most aspiring among us. They offer knowledge to the ignorant, stimulation to the bored and sheer escapism to those who weary of their everyday life. Open one and your life will never be exactly the same again. William Forde: June 20th, 2013.