"Today is my sister Mary's birthday( Sat here on the LHS with my daughter Rebecca). The rest of the family call her 'Blessed Mary' because of her inherent goodness and refusal to park on a double yellow line or to tell an untruth. Telling the truth, may on the surface seem to be a wholesome and commendable exercise, but being prone to the same practice, I have found that it carries with it an inherent danger: that it may result in being believed and acted upon! For example, Mary, statistics show that if fifty people park randomly on a double yellow line anywhere in the country outside Leeds, Manchester or London, that on average only one person will be caught and booked. Also, according to the statistical laws of probability, you have infinitely less chance of being loved 'more' by any of your six siblings than I love you. Happy birthday. Your big brother Billy x" William Forde: June 17th, 2013.