"One of the most powerful messages that one can ever truly receive is that, 'Jesus loves you.' For what it's worth, I tell you that if you can let Jesus into your life, you will allow everyone into it and keep none at bay.
I don't particularly consider myself a bible basher or bible pusher for that matter, and having read the good books from Genesis through to Deuteronomy and the Book of Revelation when working as a Mill Manager on night shift for four years merely promped me to ask more questions as I grew older as opposed to providing me with answers.
There is simply no way though that I could ever conceive the creation of the earth and planets through any scientific answer alone without there having been some divine or spiritual dimension to 'The big bang.' All one has to do is to look at nature, the cycle of the seasons, the procreation of all animal and marine life, the birth of a baby, the genetic link between the past and the present; even the compassion of one stranger towards another to know that mankind exists for some purpose beyond themselves and for some reason that no logic can ever explain to one's complete satisfaction.
And should it turn out that there is no God, then surely living a Christian life wherever possible cannot have harmed a living soul and will have instead made the life of others far better than worse. After all, when one makes the ordinary come alive, the extraordinary takes care of itself.
Only those who die truly know if there is a life hereafter, but it certainly fits my way of life and comforts me enormously to believe that there is." William Forde: June 15th, 2014.