'Reciprocity':Copyright William Forde.
"Oh bonded beauty of butterfly delight, cast not doubt on mankind's capacity to hurt and inflict pain on innocents and all life vulnerable.
Pull not angelic wings asunder to gratify harsh temper nor kill and deprive elephant's of their tusks to please the ugliness of human vanity in the market place of cosmetic vulgarity.
Resign thyself to chequered doubt in a world where nothing but uncertainty is ever certain to embrace all prospect of future hope and lasting peace, especially during times of uneasy truce and economic decline.
Forget not though, once the tables are turned and thou are free to act in unrestricted manner when released from bondage, thou then ownest responsibilty to chain no other to thy ways or lead them along paths they chose not to travel. For what goes round must come around in the battle of rights for all, as to deny one is to preserve none." William Forde: July 7th, 2014.