"What is once thought cannot be unthought, but it need not be acted upon. Every revolution was once started by a thought inside one person's head before it was acted upon.
Every man and woman shall at sometime have a revolutionary thought, yet most will never act it out. Yet the one who starts a revolution first takes the thought from his mind, mulls it over and over, shapes it and only when it's ready to be given life, releases it in concerted action of directed deed.
A stand can be made against the invasion of any army, but no army is capable of withstanding the invasion of an idea whose time has come for it to be spread far and wide. Eventually the army of such an idea will flex its muscles and no country will be able to withstand its wrath or ignore its truth a moment longer.
Two hundred and thirty six years ago today (1778), the idea of separation from Great Britain finally became a reality for thirteen American colonies. That act was signified by a resolution declaring the United States to be independent from Great Britain. General George Washington marked this momentious day by allowing a double ration of rum for his soldiers and an artillery salute. At the same time, across the Atlantic Ocean American Ambassadors John Adams and Benjamin Franklin held a diner in Paris for their fellow Americans. On the anniversary of the 4th July each year, all Americans celebrate their freedom.
Today my son William who has just spent a three week holiday with us from Australia returns to his new land across the pond. While he has established his independence from me and his mother, his new country of residence only gained its independence from great Britain twenty six years ago, but because they remain colonial dependencies of the British Crown, Australia is still attatched the Great Britain's umbilical cord. What's that I hear you say....'I'm an overbearing pompous pom?' No I'm not. I'm from Southern Ireland mate and we got free from Great Britain around a hundred years ago. Yippee! " William Forde: July 4th, 2013.