"We are each trying to find the right path to walk down; the path that will take us to the place our hearts and minds want to go. My advice is that if what you are doing makes you happy and keeps you in love with life and your neighbour, then keep doing it as you have already found your path of happiness to follow. Should however, you find yourself down the wrong path, trust in the certainty that if you don't change direction, you will most certainly end up where you're heading.
While it may be the journey and not the arrival which matters most in one's travels, have no doubt, it is the path that changes you! One of the sayings of Buddha sums it up in the words: 'No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path.'
So if we believe we are walking the right path, all we have to do in life is to keep walking and we will eventually get there. Never think that death is the last path we shall walk, for as sure as meadows spring up each season, so shall our spirit return to the delights of God's woodland." William Forde: July 28th, 2015.