Thought for today:
"Isn't strange how often in life one starts off a relationship with someone who happens to be nothing at all like them in either trait or personality and yet they become the best of buddies, lifelong friends, soul mates, lovers and even man and wife. I must confess that as a 'horse' in the Chinese Astrological Calendar based on the twelve animals, I have always been partial to the 'monkey'. Yes, Sheila was born in the year of the monkey. What I never realised though, were that they were such damn good cooks into the bargain. Its the best of all worlds for any man; like sleeping with Halle Berry and eating with Mary Berry!" William Forde: July31st, 2013.
0 CommentsJuly 30th, 2013.30/7/2013
Thought for today:
"Here's a thought for you cat and/or dog lovers. One is using their brain while the other is using their brawn, but which one will exercise the greatest number of brain cells; him performing the 'work out' or her attempting 'to work it out?' The answer is that because the female species depend less on brawn and more on brain power, she has four times as many cells (neurons) connecting her left and right-brain hemispheres than the male. That is essentially the reason why the female of the species is a master at 'multi-tasking' while the male prefers to do one thing at a time. So there you have it chaps. Time to get back to your push ups; time to shut up and leave all the thinking to her ladyship!" William Forde: July 30th, 2013.
0 CommentsJuly 29th, 2013.29/7/2013
Thought for today:
"The remarkable courage of a man called Dallas Wiens ranks head and shoulders above those of little faith in the capacity for struggle and survival. In 2008, Dallas' head came into contact with a high-tension electrical line and he suffered unimaginable burns which left him without facial features. Not only did he defy the medics and went on to live after emerging from a three month coma along with spinal cord injuries, he survived with the courage and dignity of a super human. Motivated by the burning desire to to hold his two-year-old daughter again, over the following three years, he learnt to speak without the use of lips or teeth, he discarded his wheelchair even though he'd been told that he'd never walk again and he began doing push-up exercises. In March, 2011, Dr. Jeffrey Janis (please note that is Dr. Janis and not Dr. Janus) and Dr. Bohdan Pomahač performed the first full-facial transplant procedure in America, funded in part with the help of the US Defence Department. Dallas also regained his sense of smell.What an inspiration to others who suffer facial disfigurement. Dallas, we salute you." William Forde: July 29th, 2013.
0 CommentsJuly 27th, 2013.27/7/2013
Thought for today:
"Whom among us could ever harm so glowing a radiant smile that is bright enough to light up a world of darkness? Who could bring deliberate hurt to such a bairn through mistreatment, neglect or any other form of violation that mankind is cruelly capable of? Look with wonderment and sheer awe upon the most beautiful and innocent thing ever to bless a planet with its presence; the smile of a happy child.
Not all persons of immense beauty come from the world of high finance or are seen on the cat walks of Europe's fashion houses. Not all beauty needs to be breast, legs and bum. Funky is often much more than a beautiful face to behold. Funky is fun!" William Forde: July 27th, 2013.
0 CommentsJuly 26th, 2013.27/7/2013
Thought for today:
"Have you ever considered the selfishness of 'loneliness'. It is one of the most debilitating states of body which cannot be shared in order to exist; hence the solution to it." William Forde: July 26th, 2013.
0 CommentsJuly 25th, 2013.25/7/2013
Thought for today:
"There is a time in every person's life when the mere presence of another is one too many. When Buddha sought'enlightenment,' he did it alone and not with a companion. He wanted his eyes to be capable of seeing the happiness and sadness that flits between one human mood and another; between happiness and despair. He wanted his ears to be aware of all of the suffering around him lest he ever ignored the least part of it, so he listened and listened until he was able to hear. He heard the hungry and painful cries of the anguished, tortured, starving and abandoned children in the world, much as he heard the final breath of a dying butterfly with broken wings. He heard the deafening cries of 'Freedom' and 'No more. Please, no more!' from the oppressed and the desolate. He heard the eternal silence of a lost and abandoned soul! It was only when he'd trained his nostrils to smell the flavour of innocence and a pure heart in others that he knew he had discovered it from deep within himself." William Forde: July 25th, 2013.
0 CommentsJuly 24th, 201324/7/2013
Thought for today:
"I'm bored. If you don't come home and see to my dinner soon, Buster, I'll........ I'll show you, I'll...... wet my pants.....I'll ..... I'll tear up your house. I'll............ make the biggest, smelliest mess you've ever seen and then you'll be sorry " William Forde: July 24th, 2013.
0 CommentsJuly 23rd, 2013.23/7/2013
Thought for today:
"Congratulations to Prince William and his wife, Kate, the mother of our future King of England. When he or his father comes to one day reign, hopefully the people of this country will have some decent politicians in charge; politicians who are brave enough to do the right thing for the country instead of themselves. We want politicians who implement the wishes of the people and who ride with popular policies for all instead of boarding the gravy train with eyes only on the perks of the job they can extract for themselves.
How refreshing to find that there are a still a few politicians in the world who actually serve the people and not themselves; so unlike Bush, Blair and rest of the bling crowd who spent the whole of their time in Office negotiating and preparing for a wealthy retirement after they'd been cottoned onto and voted out! It's a common grumble that politicians' lifestyles are far removed from those of their electorate.
Not so in Uruguay, however. Meet the President Jose Mujica, a President of the people and a president for the people. Jose, who lives on a ramshackle farm, drives a broken-down car and gives away 90% of his monthly pay to charity; professing that the remainder is sufficient for him and his family to live on. Laundry is strung outside the house and the water comes from a well in a yard, overgrown with weeds. Only two police officers and Manuela, a three-legged dog, keep watch outside.
This is the residence of the President of Uruguay. Jose Mujica shunned the luxurious house that the Uruguayan State provides for its leaders and opted to stay instead at his wife's farmhouse, off a dirt road outside the capital, Montevideo.The President and his wife work the land themselves, growing flowers. Long may he serve. Long live Jose Mujica!" William Forde: July 23rd, 2013.
0 CommentsJuly 22nd, 2013.22/7/2013
Thought for today:
"Life's treasure chest was never meant to stay locked in dungeons deep while grief mourned its passing up above. Save not your assets lest the day arrives when you open the chest and find it empty with no longer presents to bestow. Spread your wealth far and wide as soon as it comes into your possession and your friendship even wider and you will never want for thing or friendship. It takes a boldness of spirit to give away all that one possesses, especially when the recipient may not be fully deserving, but it is only through the act of freely giving can one truly become the good person that our Maker meant us to be." William Forde: July 22nd, 2013.