"‘Quick to wed and slow to repent’’ By William Forde
'Be still my roaming heart,
stay put and pant no more.
Take gentle breaths and fall in love with life again,
fold sands upon the shore.
For man was meant to love and woman too.
Sun was made to shine and rain to fall,
and while teardrops soaked into parched ground below
in small attempt to make bitter sweet the sad sense of it all.
All women were designed to wear the dress of wedding white.
All men’s design was ever made to take it off before the night.
Where vows were made and broken with same breath,
and where apologies remain unspoken until death,
that is where I’ll be.
Be strong oh wavering thoughts of doubtful passage and immediacy,
take tender hold and make me thine for all eternity.
For she is there if thou dare but ask in cries of ecstasy and passion wild,
unloose the reins of pleasured urgency and make love, make haste, make marriage, then make child.
Copyright William Forde: June 9th, 2014.