"It is sad to think that the mere difference between that of fact and fiction can be thinner than a cat's whisker and often is. Politicians frequently feel the need to deceive their electorate when attempting to save political face. Often the safety of others are weighed against their own political survival and are matched by words in the House of Commons that are as immeasurable as was the biggest fish ever caught.
This is so true, particularly when one looks at part of the record of two British Prime Ministers to have greatly affected British lives over the past thirty years.
It has recently been officially confirmed by 30-year-Data Release that President Ronald Reagan issued a last-ditch appeal to the late Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher to abandon her campaign to retake the Falklands and to hand over the islands to international peacekeepers. It is also further known now, that at the precise time of giving the order to sink the Belgrano during the Falkland's War that the Belgrano was in the process of sailing away from the Falkland Islands, having seconds earlier changed her course of direction.
You can rest assured in the knowledge that whether your political colours be blue or red, they are most likely to have been falsely flown by one of your past Prime Ministers who wore them.
It is now also known that it only took a matter of mere seconds for Tony Blair to misinform the House of Commons by an embellishment of an official dossier with misleading exaggerations of Iraq's military capabilities. He reassured the House of Commons that Iraq had the ability to launch a strike using 'weapons of mass destruction within 45 minutes.' It was the acceptance of this 'reliable and verifiable intelligence' at the time which attracted vital support for the prosecution of the war against Iraq and its peoples and which led to the onslaught of what was then described as a campaign of 'Shock and Awe,' but which is now held by many to have been an illegal war in which thousands of lives were lost.
The latest Government Inquiry by Chilcot has declared that communications between Tony Blair and George Bush will not be made public as we once thought they might be. After all, this was at the heart of the initial inquiry. Surely the electorate has a right to know? Yet another white wash it would seem! What puzzles me is what precisely it is which gives such a man such sway in arriving at this decision when he so shamefully deceived and deliberberately misled the electorate and Parliament at the crucial time? For a politician who entered Office proclaiming to all the world to be 'a pretty straight sort of guy', he turned out to be as bent as any banana!
Thus, when one objectively looks at the records in Office of two of the most influential twentieth-century Prime Ministers, each of whom have been responsible through their housing, emmigration, economic and war policies to have indelibly shaped this country into the place we are today, some might view them as saints whilst others would see them as having behaved no better than war criminals!
The life of a single fish or that of hundreds of thousands of men, women and children are sometimes divided in time by no more than the thinness of a cat's whisker! Also, the very democracy to be found in this land and for which so many hold so much pride is nothing more than a shell that conceals a much deeper truth that lies unearthed. Our democracy is unfortunately forged to mean far less for the people and much more for the political image of the politicians. Our democracy is far more threadbare in its substance than many folk could ever conceive.
Let me tell you, good folks; we may have the vote, but we don't have the power! Each four years we vote, we effectively lose all right to have any effective policy say for another four years. Just as the British Parliament is no more than mere puppets of The European Parliament now, we in turn are no more than stooges for our pension-proof polititians in the 'Houses of Parliament!'" William Forde : July 14th, 2014.