"For the young and inquisitive mind, books are magic to behold. They are the child's best window to the world of mystery, adventure and character formation. They show the child reader a land of fantasy where dreams materialise in the light of day. Books enable the child to escape through the mere act of witnessing the words and pictures of the printed page transform themselves into the most magical of imaginings and happenings where all is possible and the cruel sting of harsh reality, although often present is kept firmly at bay.
For those young ones who cannot yet read, but love to listen to stories, there are a number of recorded stories in the audio section on my website that can be listened to for free. One is about a dragon, another is about a fox, another is about a horse and another is about a very small boy who stops growing which is recorded by the magician Paul Daniels. There are four stories about a girl called Annie who is always getting into trouble which were recorded by the television actress Brigit Forsyth. Some of the stories were read by famous people and even the late Princess Diana used to read 'Douglas the Dragon' and the 'Sleezy the Fox' stories to her seven and eight year old sons, Princes William and Harry when they were children." William Forde: January 8th, 2015.