"Who dares confronts confusion and make sense of its ifs and buts? What is the determinant of saint or sinner in this complex world where nothing is perfect and all is potentially suspect?
There is absolutely nothing which can dispel an image of naked depression when it is seen in the raw for all that it purports to be.
There is simply no one who can touch the depth of sadness which lies within an abandoned or abused child, a discarded or desolate woman or a bereaved and broken man; all of whom knows that whatever happens they shall never feel the same again.
Clothed in all its innocence, mankind's love can be wholly unselfish and boundless, but once love, concern and kindness have been stripped away and has been removed from one's character, the baseness of inhumanity is visible and the capacity to inflict pain and injustice on those less powerful can be seen by the most naked of eyes in all of its ugliness.
So lose not your love, concern, kindness, humanity and sense of justice, lest you lose all there remains about you that is good and redeeming. All manner of war is for the cynical of heart whereas eternal peace resides only within the most innocent of lambs." William Forde: January 6th, 2014.