"This Christmas will witness the highest ever prisoner population in British Jails. This man thought he had the best tattoo in the world that had ever been imprinted on a male's body; that was until he went to prison for the first time and became the favourite 'bitch' of 'B' Wing. As a Probation Officer for over 25 years, between 1970-95, I can testify that unless a heterosexual male who is serving a lengthy prison sentence is prepared to engage in illegal activities on the inside of the prison gates or is able to buy his protection from another, he better learn how to defend himself to the death or change his sexual preferences pretty pronto.
There are many words written and spoken about prison being a cushy existence for today's inmates and for those without a conscience or a genuine ounce of remorse, its punishment is undoubtedly better than their crime deserves. For many others however, I wish in some ways that being imprisoned represented a much more humane existence than the sordid reality of which the majority of the public remain sadly unaware. To all victims of crime, may the New Year bring you renewed hope and added strength. To all repentant prisoners who wish to never again return to the commission of crime and prison, may 2014 prove to be a year of lasting rehabilitation for you." William Forde: January 4th, 2014.