"Whilst we remain bound to our regrets we shall forever feel battered, bruised and beaten. It is only by accurately interpreting previous negative events in our lives, however hurtful facing such truths are, and emotionally processing them in more positive light, can we free ourselves from the debris of self destruction.
My New Year's prayer that I recently came across will hopefully help people trapped in the depths of depression and despair and displaying a self image that they believe to be worthless:
'May I be a healing energy to all and allow all manner of love to enter my life. Close not my ears to the cry of others less I forget their pain. May I never be stingy in my affections and always mean what I say. May I never give less than what is asked for by the needy nor refuse to help any child, widow or homeless person. May my presence be of benefit to all whom I encounter and may my life enrich the lives of all it touches. May I know what truly matters, to whom, when and how and how best to assist those lost travellers who do not want to be found. May I learn to live in harmony with God and others and constantly reside in peace with myself.'" William Forde: January 3rd, 2015.