"When I was growing up in a large Catholic family on a West Yorkshire council estate, our parents used to walk all the children to church in Cleckheaton and back each Sunday; a round journey of some three miles. We would walk down 'The New Road' and always pass the most beautiful of privately-owned properties that were occupied by doctors, accountants, police inspectors and retired army colonels. There was one house half-way down which was different to all the other houses and which oozed charm. It was much smaller than the rest of the large 1940's red-bricked properties. It was mid Victorian in age and had roses growing around its porch that framed the old lintals of its frontage. This was my mother's favourite property of all the houses our walk to church took us by each week and as we approached the property she would say , 'One day, Billy, we'll live in a house with flowers around its door........... our own little cottage.'
My mother died at the early age of 64 years many years ago and until the last three years of her life, she lived in the family home; a three bed-roomed council house on Windybank Estate, Liversedge. She never did live in her ideal country cottage, but if you are listening in up there, Mum, be pleased that I now do. It doesn't have a garden, but my Sheila frequently fills it with flowers inside and I grow roses around its door entrance." William Forde : January 27th, 2014.