" I don't know if any of you out there believe in a heaven for humans, but if you do, perhaps it isn't too much a stretch of one's belief system to also believe in a heaven for the remainder of God's creatures.
Someone is reported to have once said that had there been no such thing as God, then it would have proved necessary to invent him.
Whether there is or isn't a God matters to us all differently I very much suspect. What I do know with absolute certainty however, is that living to the standards that a God would expect us to live to if you wanted to one day enter His heaven is the best bench mark there is for bringing a sense of increased health, happiness and peaceful contentment to the world and all its creatures. Also, if we do eventually meet up once more with our loved ones in an after life, surely that means our pets as well as our human loves." William Forde: January 26th, 2014.