"Whom among us can seriously doubt the existence of a God or supernatural being when one gazes upon the splendour and magic of yet another morning sunrise that beckons the birth of another beautiful day?
One of the very first lessons I learned as a child from my mother was the importance of 'giving' as a means of character development. She taught me that it is only through the act of giving freely to others; the giving of ourselves, our love and compassion, our assets, our time and our talents that we each can become the good person that God meant us to be.
As a child, my life was spared following a very bad traffic accident, after which I vowed to devote any future good works of mine to my Maker. While it took many failed attempts during my teenage years to eventually transform my behaviour from that of 'bad' to 'good,' along with the help of many others I think that I finally succeeded in this task. Since that day of reformation, I have genuinely tried to be just and do good towards my fellow man in both my thoughts and actions although I have often fallen short of the mark. Any success I have experienced, I have always shared wherever possible with others who were less fortunate than myself.
During the course of my life so far, I have been blessed to have met so many good people and done so many things that would have one time seemed impossible. And without doubt, my greatest blessing has been meeting my wife Sheila four years ago.
Over the past four years, Sheila has spent many thousands of hours ensuring that as my life has had meaning, so shall my death and the years thereafter. She has designed for me an extentive website which not only doubles as a biography of my life; dealing with places of interest I've been, unusual events I've seen, famous people I've met and things I've done, but also enables me to continue freely 'giving' when I leave this life. This is a website that includes details of all the books I've ever had published (sixty one), musical plays, songs, poetry, hymns I've written, recorded radio interviews I've given and miscellaneous writings I've penned; along with my unbroken daily thoughts over the past three years. This website is accessed by www.fordefables.co.uk
There are also a dozen short romantic stories which I have written since I've met my wife Sheila which can be freely read in my 'Tales from Portlaw' section, accompanied by illustrations. In the section marked 'audio,' there are over a dozen children's stories I wrote which can be freely 'listened' to by the 5-11 year old. These stories have been recorded by famous people, and when she was alive and her children were aged 7 and 9 years old, the late Princess Diana used to read some of them to her sons, Princes Harry and William. Among the many books I have had published are a couple that the late Nelson Mandela praised when he once phoned me, a series of stories that the late Dame Catherine Cookson paid to have published and a story of the Second World War that Dame Vera Lynn praised and read from to a school in her area of Ditchling, Sussex, along with many more of my publications for children that 850 celebrities and famous names have publically read in Yorkshire schools, assemblies and libraries between 1990 and 2002.
Between 1990 and 2003, I gave every penny of profit from my book sales to charity. This amount came to over £200,000. Since my wife Sheila persuaded me to recommence writing books, all profit from their sales has also gone to charity and she will ensure that when I am no longer alive that all profit from future sales of my books shall continue to go to charity in perpetuity.
All of my books are now avilable to be purchased in either hard copy or can be obtained in e-book format if preferred. The hard copies can be bought from www.amazon.com, www.lulu.com, www.barnesandnoble.com and all e-books can be purchased from www.smashwords.com. Enjoy.
Of all the sayings that I most admire and one of the most difficult lessons I have needed to learn in the past is the one that distinguishes 'importance' from being 'nice.' Often in life, folk can be easily filled with a disproportionate sense of their own 'importance' which makes them lose sight of their essential 'niceness.' as a human being. Never forget that while it's nice to feel important, it is far more important to be nice and that doing good makes one feel much better than doing bad." William Forde: January 18th, 2015.
" William Forde: January 20th, 2015.