"We often see a couple of strangers out and about and at first glance, the pair may appear to be mismatched in one way or another. It may be one tall person with a small partner, an overweight person with someone slim, a gorgeous-looking person accompanied by someone who looks very plain or even downright unattractive. Sometimes there will be an obvious age discrepancy of over fifteen years between the couple. Whatever may mark the pair out for observation and comment, it is most likely to be of the negative form. Our first thought will often be, 'I wonder what she can possibly see in him?' or ' What's he doing with the likes of her? Surely he could do better for himself!' etc.etc.
And yet, we may have many friends whom display the same visible mismatch to a passing stranger, but because we know the couple personally, we accord them a much different level of respect than we might accord to a strange couple who looks as odd to the eye of a stranger. It just goes to show that the more one becomes friends with 'an odd couple', the less odd we are likely to see them. How much kinder it would be in the instant interpretation of all strangers who seemed mismatched to observe their similarities and not their obvious differences." William Forde: January 15th, 2014.