"We all depend upon someone in this life and so long as those we are prone to rely on do not let us down harshly when they are unable to continue offering us support, we should be able to withstand most responsibilities we are asked to shoulder. If we are wise however, we shall hopefully form new support structures in our lives at every available opportunity so that the sudden loss of one of our friends or any other person in our lives doesn't lead to an monumental collapse. Remember, no man is an island. We all depend on someone, somewhere, at some time. None of us are capable of reaching the dizzy heights of success without either receiving a helping hand along the way or standing on the shoulders of those who went before us.
My swollen leg worsened suddenly again last night and after an emergency appointment with the surgery this morning, I need to be be checked out at the hostpital today re: the possibility of a blood clot near my thigh area. It was only a month ago when I was checked out and cleared for a clot. Let's hope that this new scare proves a false alarm also. Whatever the result, thank God for friends, family and support structures in all our lives." William Forde: February 3rd, 2014.