" This reminds me of growing up as the eldest of seven children. Our first English home was so small that it comprised of one bedroom only. As it was the job of the older children to help settle down the next child in line down, as the oldest of all seven, I had overall supervision of their sleeping behaviours. Frequently, they would stand at the end of the bed and yell, 'Tell us a story, Billy. Tell us a story! We're not going to sleep until you tell us a story!' 'Okay', I'd reply. 'Which do you want to hear?' 'Tell us about King Rufus' they would echo, 'We want to hear about King Rufus and then we'll go to sleep!' The nightly custom was initially started by my mother ,then passed on to me as the other children came along. All of my stories were made up, and strangely enough, I've been making them up ever since. Blame mum!" William Forde: November 30th, 2013.