"'Hi chaps. Do you remember days of old when men were men and women were women and everyone in society knew their place and were good enough to stay in it!'
The above was a mantra from he 1950's when I was growing up and trying to figure out my masculine role within everyday society. It was a time when boys played with toy guns and girls with dolls, men drove buses and women were conductors; when a doctor was always a Mister and a nurse a Miss, when a wife cooked the meals and her husband ate them.
As I was growing up, the world around me looked vastly different to the one I know today. I recall when a married woman's primary role in life was to be a good mother to her children, an ideal wife to her working husband and and housekeeper and general dogs-body who looked after husband, children and home and was pleased to do so. In such long forgotten days , life seemed ever so simple.....................for a man.
As for the poor old woman work-horse however, sixteen hours a day on one's feet was standard and the occasional praise from the 'man of the house' for a job well done was the most payment and reward a woman might receive. These were the days when 'a woman's work was never done.' So, it looks like nothing's changed there then, fellas?
'Sheila, where's my cup of tea and slippers! Am I supposed to wait all day? This is 1954 not 2014. No doubt you'll be wanting me to see to make my own brew next, sugar and stir it, won't you? " William Forde: February 2nd, 2014.